Frequently Asked Questions

Who and what does Travis Consulting & Design consult and design?
  • We are communications consultants who work with individuals and organizations to develop the best way to share your key messages with your target audience and achieve your desired result. That could mean sharing your story with the media to gain exposure and the community's support. Sometimes that means writing a nonprofit's corporate sponsorship proposal to meet specific fundraising goals. Other times, it means taking your product or book and developing a full-scale public relations and marketing campaign. As far as design goes, we take the concept that is in your head, and using the latest software and years of creative talent, bring the image you were thinking of to life, on whatever medium you wish.
What media outlets have you worked with?
  • Travis Consulting & Design has developed and has access to extensive media lists containing thousands of national contacts with all major news networks and trade journals. Personal relationships exist in the Houston market with: 002 Magazine, CBS Radio, Clear Channel Radio, Culturemap, Cumulus Radio, Greensheet, Health & Fitness Sports Magazine, Houston Chronicle, Houston Lifestyles and Homes, Houston Modern Luxury, Houston Style Magazine, Houston Woman Magazine, KGOW 1560 TheGame, KHOU Channel 11 and Great Day Houston, KHIA Channel 39, KMIC 1590 Radio Disney, KPFT 90.1, KPRC Local 2, KRIV FOX 26, KTBU Channel 55, KTRK-ABC 13, Life +Dog, PaperCity,, Prime-Living, Radio One, Univision Radio and Univision Television.
How many interviews can we expect?
  • Public relations professionals can not, and should not, guarantee media placements. There are many factors such as weather, current events and news cycles that factor into your coverage. However, if you are represented by Travis Consulting & Design, please know we will use every effort possible to share your message and have extensive relationships with a variety of media, resulting in positive exposure for satisfied clients.
How much do you charge for an initial consultation?
  • Your first one-hour consultation is free. Based on that conversation, Travis Consulting & Design will provide you with a custom proposal to include estimates and fees.
What are your fees?
  • Full-scale campaign, a la carte options and consulting-only services are available. Based on your needs, timeline and budget we will determine if an hourly rate, per project rate or retainer is required. Please contact us for details.
What is the turn-around time for your services?
  • All services are based on your individual needs and timeline. Creating and implementing a full-scale campaign can take two to three months to draft, edit, produce and pitch communications and marketing pieces. However, if you are selecting a specific project or an a la carte item, your turn-around time is significantly reduced. Regardless, Travis Consulting & Design prides itself on never missing a deadline.
Why were Tiffany and Chris married in March and November of 2003?
  • It is a long story that we reserve for our awesome clients.