
Travis Consulting & Design services nonprofits, physicians, healthcare systems, authors, professional sports teams, entrepreneurs and corporations. Peruse our menu of offerings to learn how you or your organization can benefit from Travis Consulting & Design.

Developing genuine personal relationships with the media, your customers, corporate sponsors and your community will set you apart. Travis Consulting & Design will help you create a plan to build and maintain those personal relationships.

Customizable Packages or a la Carte Options

Public & Community Relations
  • Traditional, Social & Emerging Media Relations
  • Product Launches
  • Press Kits (Hard Copy or Electronic) to include:
    • Associated Press (AP) style press releases for print and broadcast media, media advisories, executive biographies or summaries & sample interviews questions
  • Media Training
  • Multi-City Media Tours
  • Crisis Communications
  • Community Outreach
  • Speech Writing & Speaker Training
  • Public Service Announcement Writing
Non-profit Consulting
  • Corporate Sponsorship Proposal Creation & Editing
  • Networking & Relationship Management with Community & Corporate Stakeholders
  • Walker, Team Captain & Top Walker Recruitment for Charity Walks
  • Talent Procurement for Charitable Events
  • Liaison to Grant Writers, Corporate Fundraisers & Gala & Luncheon Event Planners
Literary/Author Support
  • Media Relations
  • Creation of Communications & Marketing Pieces (Hard Copy or Electronic)
    • Author Short Bio – Utilized for marketing teasers, quick intro promos & book jacket
    • Author Long Bio – Utilized for About the Author Web section, speaking engagements & general inquiries
    • Fact Sheet or Synopsis
    • Press Release
    • Question & Answer Document or Frequently Asked Questions
    • Cover Copy
    • Coordinate New Head Shots/Photo Shoot
    • Patient/Client Testimonials
    • Excerpt Selection(s) for pull-quote & marketing materials
    • Forward(s)/Endorsement(s) Copy Polish – Edit & ensure message & brand consistency
    • Book Trailer content development & coordination
Branding & Graphic Design
  • Logo Design
  • Collateral Material Development
  • Direct Marketing Materials
  • E-Blasts & Invitations
  • Large Scale Banners & Posters
  • Large Format Printing for Outdoor/Billboard Advertising
  • Newspaper & Magazine spreads
  • Book Cover Art

When I reached out to Tiffany & Chris all I had was a manuscript of my life's story. In a matter of weeks, they had created marketing & communications pieces, including a video book trailer, Web site, social media pages, press kit & cover art. In a couple months, my memoir became a self-published book, with sales exceeding 500 copies & counting. Barnes & Noble recently invited me to be their featured author at a Houston signing & I've received interest from Hollywood for a possible movie! – Linda Gayle Thompson, author